Natalie’s teaching style is very unique. She leads you into your practice and breath by breath, her sequences are challenging and introduces new concepts that force you to be in the moment. Her adjustments are like heaven, just like her voice and you always walk out of her class with a healthy glow and a clean slate on how to approach life both physically and emotionally.
Private Yoga Lessons
Yoga postures and breathing exercises
are selectively chosen and developed
to meet your specific needs.
Natalie will guide you by verbal instruction, imagery, demonstration, and hands-on direction, you will explore yoga in a way that is practical and beneficial. She focuses on developing strength, endurance, and range of motion incrementally and gradually. Through an approach that is gradual and gentle, student’s experience how the subtle power of yoga works discovering your natural strength, suppleness, vigor, and health through yoga developed specifically for you.

Traditionally, yoga was taught one-on-one. Private lessons provide a setting in which your individuality can be completely addressed. Yoga postures and breathing exercises are selectively chosen and developed to meet your specific needs. Learning and practicing postures and breathing exercises at your own pace and within your own range is the most effective way to realize the benefits of yoga.
10 Pack Series
The ideal way to set up a regular time and day for your private yoga lessons once or twice a week to receive the most benefits from a consistent yoga practice.
Class Levels
Perfect for your first time practicing yoga. this orientation will cover the names and alignments of basic postures and finish up with a deep relaxation.
This is a hatha/vinyasa yoga session. we move at a slow pace through sun salutations, standing poses, balances, core-strengthening, back bends, forward bends, hip-openers, shoulder-openers, and finish up with a deep relaxation. this practice has low-impact on the joints.
This is for the dedicated yogi who wishes to move into a deeper understanding of the practice. we move at a faster pace through a flow sequence of sun salutations, standing postures, balances, core strengthening, back bends, forward bends, hip-openers, shoulder-openers, and finish with a deep relaxation. this practice introduces arm balancing, inversions and deep back bending with more weight-bearing on the joints. we also cover pranayama (breathing techniques), yogic philosophy, and meditation.
This is an athletic practice for the dedicated yogi who wishes to explore a dynamic flow of challenging asana (physical postures), with pranayama (breathing), and meditation. Be prepared to sweat!
A practice named for restoring a sense of calm to the central nervous system, this session is gentle and slow with the use of several props to support complete relaxation. aroma therapy and gentle massage are incorporated to help you feel refreshed and restored. perfect for those recovering from an injury, an illness, or for those who want a gentle practice with no impact on the joints.
Perfect for any athlete who wants to compliment their training with a yoga practice that will increase their flexibility and center their focus.